General Information About Tilapia

Tilapia is a genealogy of cichlidaceae (Cichlidae) family, which includes endemic hot water fish in Africa. Omnivor fishes and nest at the bottom of the pool. Male fishes carry eggs and larvae in the genus Sarotherodon. Female fish carries eggs and larvae in the genus Oreochromis. They are resistant to pH between 5 and 11 and ammonia concentration of 2.5 mg / L. Although tilapia is freshwater fish, some species can live in a certain amount of salt water.

The annual global production of tilapia is 3 million metric tons. With the continuous supply shortage in stocks throughout the year, Tilapia remains firm in the market and consumption is increasing day by day.

Biological Properties of Tilapia

  • Their bodies are long,well-proportioned and flattened from the sides and covered with small scales.
  • It contains a variety of colorful species.
  • They usually have gray,silver color.
  • Light purple color is dominant in the abdomen.
  • Side bottom of white silver and slightly red transverse it has lines.
  • These lines are not apparent in old fish.
  • The belly fins are brown and surrounded by a red color.
  • The soft parts of the back fin have dark spots and bands in the form of Sagittarius.
  • Other fins, except the tail fin, are red during breeding periods.



  • Calories: 95 kcal.
  • Oil: 1gr.
  • Protein: 20 gr.
  • Sodium: 37 mg.
  • Carbohydrate: 0 gr.

What are the Benefits of Tilapia?

  • Bone Health
  • Cancer Preventive
  • Mental development
  • Prevents Aging
  • Help in Weight Loss
  • Regulation of thyroid gland

Do you want to buy tilapia or tilapia production equipment?


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